Welcome to the Tampa Blog

Welcome and Bienvenidos!

Although I am not a Tampa area lifer, I enjoy taking the time to search out my surroundings and find the best that Tampa Bay has to offer! Please enjoy this site! I hope you make many returns as you search for ways to be involved in your community!

I plan on giving you ideas for rest and relaxation as well as volunteer suggestions!

Have a sun-filled day!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I've just been staying in. I'm staying home. I've been trying to simplify!
Even though I have alot of Tampa to continue to explore, I am enjoying staying in. I am baking cookies, watching Psych Season 1 and doing lots of laundry.

What do you like to do when you stay in?

I have to admit that I love the money I save (or don't spend) by staying in :) ::grin::

1 comment:

shanna said...

Baking cookies and watching Psych? We are so sympatico.